Sunday, 2 August 2020

Fair & white Exfoliating Bar Soap (Savon Gommant Exfoliating Soap) Review

As a melanin -rich-skinned person with facial skin issues, predominantly hyperpigmentation issue, I have had to try a substantial number of products to help correct my facial skin problems. Name the cosmetic product, I have use it.

I have always suffered from acne throughout my adult life starting from teenage acne, at which point every adult will tell you “don’t worry, you will grow out of it”. Yes, this is true for most people but certainly not for me and not for millions of people out there.

Adult acne sucks, especially if you care about your appearance and presentation, you certainly will not want any of those uninvited guests taking a VIP position right on your forehead. Most people would desperately wish to get rid of these.

That first thought that would go through an average person’s mind Is not to book an appointment to see a dermatologist (that’s if they can afford it), no, most people would either speak to someone who knows someone who knows someone with an acne-success-story, or walk down to the shop and scan through the facial wash isle for any products tagged “spot remover”, “anti-breakout”, “clear skin” etc. In the millennial age though, the very first instinct would be to consult Dr Google.

Through my quest for an acne-free skin, I have come across dozens of products of which I will be writing reviews about.

Today I will review the “Fair & white Exfoliating Bar Soap (Savon Gommant Exfoliating Soap)

Description:  200 g of light brown/beige skin whitening soap.

Packaging description:  sold in a white cardboard box with the letters F&W as watermarks.

Country of origin:  France

This soap is a product of a company called Fair & white (dodgy name).  They are based in Paris and as the name suggests, their products are targeted at people with melanin rich skin.

This company has been there for ages and before the new era of racial equality and anti-discrimination movements, they were known to have used substances that are considered toxic, including mercury and hydroquinone (probably still are). On the surface at least, this has changed. They appear to have joined the “woke” campaign and have commendably changed most of their product ingredients to be more skin safe. This is especially following the current cosmetics legislation in Europe.

My Experience

Yonks ago when I used this product, they were not commendable. They were extremely drying and due to the drying effect; they mess up your skin. If you have an acne-prone skin, the likelihood is that you have a sensitive skin and products with aggressive ingredients will only make it worse on the long run. 

Right after use, you would notice a feeling of a “squeaky clean” face, this feeling is deceiving, giving you a false impression of smoothness, but what they actually do is strip your skin of its natural oil barrier thereby exposing it to more inflammatory changes induced by some bacteria. It is essentially the removal of these barrier oils that cause dryness and potentially worsening of the acne.

This soap (Savon gommant exfoliating soap) is listed on the European commission Safety Gate: Rapid Alert System for dangerous non-food products. It contains mercury (measured value: 0,2 mg/kg). Mercury accumulates in the body and can damage the kidneys, brain and nervous system. 

Additionally, it may affect reproduction and the unborn child (Teratogenic).

The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products Regulation and its marketing was banned.

This is the case in Europe, they have continued to produce and market this product in other non-European countries (I stand to be corrected here).

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