Sunday 9 August 2020

How To make Scented Shea Butter Cream Moisturizer


How To make Scented Shea Butter Cream Moisturiser



1)      4 oz (8 tablespoons) of Raw unrefined Shea butter

2)      two tablespoons of Raw virgin Coconut oil

3)      one teaspoon Extra virgin Olive oil

4)      2 drops of Natural vitamin E oil as preservative and antioxidant

5)      one drop of Natural vanilla essential oil for scenting

6)      a glass Jar with tight lid

7)      a large glass or wooden bowl

8)      Electric or hand whisk mixer



This is really easy.

1)      Before you start to prepare whipped Shea butter, make sure your unrefined Shea butter is at room temperature, you can leave it out overnight and by morning it would be soft enough to work with. Do not melt or heat it!

2)      Put your Shea butter in a bowl and mash it with a fork. The same way you make a mashed potato.

3)      Add base oils (coconut and olive) and mash a little bit more.

4)      Add vitamin E Oil which is a natural preservative and a strong antioxidant.

5)      Put the mixture into the mixing bowl. Mix it on a high speed with electric mixer for approximately 5 minutes. you can also use a hand mixer.

6)      This step is optional, you can add your chosen essential oil(s) according to the scent you prefer. I used vanilla for mine and I love how it turned out. just one tiny drop does the magic. Mix it a few more minutes to blend with your whipped cream.

7)      Put whipped cream in a clean airtight glass jar(s) and close it.

8)      Keep it in a dry, dark, and cool place at room temperature. Your bathroom cabinet is fine as well.


There you have it, easy and cheap but your skin will love it



·         Shea Butter’s shelf life is approximately one to two years. It should be kept in dark, cool place.

·         You should keep your Shea butter or Shea butter creams in closed glass or heavy-duty plastic containers. They should be airtight.

·         If you don’t want to put any preservatives in your homemade Shea butter creams, never put any water into the cream. Water causes quicker disintegration of the elements.

·         Protect your cream from absorbing humidity from air by keeping it always firmly closed.

·         Wash your hands every time before using Shea butter or Shea butter cream, because you are contaminating it every time you touch it. This will prolong its half-life.




Monday 3 August 2020

Whiten your teeth with Baking Soda

It has been recorded back in the 14th century in Chinese, that Baking soda was used as a mouthwash and treatment for gum diseases. Before that, baking soda was known primarily as a cleaning agent. It was introduced to Americans by the English and has been used in Europe since the 18th century, so this is not new. By the way, did you know that most whitening Toothpaste or mouthwash contain baking soda? yes, they do.

How to Use: place a one to one portion of the baking soda onto your toothbrush with your usual toothpaste and brush your teeth as usual.


If you brush your teeth twice a day, limit the use of baking soda to not more than once a day. Excessive use of baking soda could make your gum sensitive.

Be aware that Baking soda does not have anti-bacterial effect and as such can not protect your teeth or gum from bacterial infection (cavity or caries).

How does Baking soda work on the skin?



1.    As A Deodorant

Facial wash 

As an Exfoliator or Scrub

Softens and Cleans Your Feet

Acne Face Mask

To whiten teeth

For detailed description of how to prepare and use these packs, click on this link

How to buy the good honey


You can find Honey in all grocery or food stores but make sure you buy an authentic brand. Often times, impure honey is sold in the market by adding sugar syrup or even water to it. This reduces honey’s anti-bacterial property so be careful of what is being sold to you.

A good way to test if honey is pure or not is to freeze it, pure honey will remain as viscous. 

If your honey jar attracts ants, then it is impure.  Pure honey will not have ants near it. 

It is also important to check if it gets crystallised (hardens or becomes crusty) or not. If it does, it means that sugar has been added to it. So, look out for all these signs and once you notice any of it, take the honey back to the store and ask for your money back.

Raw honey is incredibly good for your skin thanks to its antibacterial and antioxidant properties. 

If you are looking for an inexpensive DIY solution or a powerful skin treatment, raw honey can help you regain your glow.




Remember, patience is the key. These are natural products and they need time to work.


Enjoy the sweetness of your skin care journey........


Vicekehskincare, Hello world!

Sunday 2 August 2020

Mint Julep Facial Scrub Queen Helene Review

As a dark-skinned person with facial skin issues, predominantly hyper-pigmentation issue, I have had to try a substantial number of products to help correct my facial skin problems. Name the cosmetic product, I have use it.

I have always suffered from acne throughout my adult life starting from teenage acne, at which point every adult will tell you “don’t worry, you will grow out of it”. Yes, this is true for most people but certainly not for me and not for millions of people out there.

Adult acne sucks, especially if you care about your appearance and presentation, you certainly will not want any of those uninvited guests taking a VIP position right on your forehead. Most people would desperately wish to get rid of these.

That first thought that would go through an average person’s mind Is not to book an appointment to see a dermatologist (that’s if they can afford it), no, most people would either speak to someone who knows someone who knows someone with an acne-success-story, or walk down to the shop and scan through the facial wash isle for any products tagged “spot remover”, “anti-breakout”, “clear skin” etc. In the millennial age though, the very first instinct would be to consult Dr Google.

Through my quest for an acne-free skin, I have come across dozens of products of which will be reviewed on this blog.

Disclaimer: None of my reviews are sponsored.


Today I will review the “Queen Helene Mint Julep Natural Facial Scrub”

Description: Green + Blue 180ml Tube with mint leaf graphic

This product is manufactured by an American company named Queen Helene, founded by a chemist named Richard Estrin between 1920 and 1930.

My attraction to this product in 2015 was mainly their use of naturally occurring ingredients. They have a full list of ingredients on their product container and generally they seem transparent in terms of the active ingredients used in their products.

The Mint Julep Facial Scrub was specifically marketed as a deep cleaning facial scrub, said to “deeply cleans and help unclog pores and draw out impurities” Sounds like exactly what you need for an acne-prone skin but these are also the description that should make you take a closer look at the ingredients list.

Personally, I found the scrub was less drying compared to so many others that I have used through the years, however, when used more than once daily, can be relatively drying. The drying effect is less likely due to the ingredients in the scrub but mainly mechanical, due to the coarse nature of the scrub. It contains glycerine which could provide a moisturising effect.

The particles are a lot finer than sugar crystals but coarse enough to give you the gritty feel. If you have active acne or pimples, the particles could cause them to open and become more inflamed so in this case, you are better off using them at night rather than in the mornings. 

The Mint Julep Facial Scrub is fragrance-free which is always a plus, but the scrub has a slightly minty scent. They did not make my acne worse or cause breakout which to me is a sign of a healthy mix of ingredients, they are non-comedogenic.

In conclusion, I will recommend this product for acne-prone or sensitive skin but to be used as a maintenance treatment (a couple of times a week) rather than a daily active acne treatment.


Fair & white Exfoliating Bar Soap (Savon Gommant Exfoliating Soap) Review

As a melanin -rich-skinned person with facial skin issues, predominantly hyperpigmentation issue, I have had to try a substantial number of products to help correct my facial skin problems. Name the cosmetic product, I have use it.

I have always suffered from acne throughout my adult life starting from teenage acne, at which point every adult will tell you “don’t worry, you will grow out of it”. Yes, this is true for most people but certainly not for me and not for millions of people out there.

Adult acne sucks, especially if you care about your appearance and presentation, you certainly will not want any of those uninvited guests taking a VIP position right on your forehead. Most people would desperately wish to get rid of these.

That first thought that would go through an average person’s mind Is not to book an appointment to see a dermatologist (that’s if they can afford it), no, most people would either speak to someone who knows someone who knows someone with an acne-success-story, or walk down to the shop and scan through the facial wash isle for any products tagged “spot remover”, “anti-breakout”, “clear skin” etc. In the millennial age though, the very first instinct would be to consult Dr Google.

Through my quest for an acne-free skin, I have come across dozens of products of which I will be writing reviews about.

Today I will review the “Fair & white Exfoliating Bar Soap (Savon Gommant Exfoliating Soap)

Description:  200 g of light brown/beige skin whitening soap.

Packaging description:  sold in a white cardboard box with the letters F&W as watermarks.

Country of origin:  France

This soap is a product of a company called Fair & white (dodgy name).  They are based in Paris and as the name suggests, their products are targeted at people with melanin rich skin.

This company has been there for ages and before the new era of racial equality and anti-discrimination movements, they were known to have used substances that are considered toxic, including mercury and hydroquinone (probably still are). On the surface at least, this has changed. They appear to have joined the “woke” campaign and have commendably changed most of their product ingredients to be more skin safe. This is especially following the current cosmetics legislation in Europe.

My Experience

Yonks ago when I used this product, they were not commendable. They were extremely drying and due to the drying effect; they mess up your skin. If you have an acne-prone skin, the likelihood is that you have a sensitive skin and products with aggressive ingredients will only make it worse on the long run. 

Right after use, you would notice a feeling of a “squeaky clean” face, this feeling is deceiving, giving you a false impression of smoothness, but what they actually do is strip your skin of its natural oil barrier thereby exposing it to more inflammatory changes induced by some bacteria. It is essentially the removal of these barrier oils that cause dryness and potentially worsening of the acne.

This soap (Savon gommant exfoliating soap) is listed on the European commission Safety Gate: Rapid Alert System for dangerous non-food products. It contains mercury (measured value: 0,2 mg/kg). Mercury accumulates in the body and can damage the kidneys, brain and nervous system. 

Additionally, it may affect reproduction and the unborn child (Teratogenic).

The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products Regulation and its marketing was banned.

This is the case in Europe, they have continued to produce and market this product in other non-European countries (I stand to be corrected here).