Wednesday 25 March 2015

Benefits of honey for the skin

Sweeten up your beauty and skincare routine with Honey!

Today, I would like to share with you one of my favourite skincare knowledge. One of the most popular natural ingredients used to achieve that flawless skin,  HONEY.   

Before you spend your hard-earned money on all those anti-ageing, brightening and moisturising creams that do nothing to your skin. Try these easy, home-made remedies first. And remember, the main ingredient in all those over-priced skincare products are things we all can get naturally and unrefined. 

In ancient times, it is known that ancient queens like Cleopatra regularly applied a mixture of Milk and Honey to their face to keep the skin young-looking, radiant, and smooth.

Bildergebnis für honey

Why is Honey Good for your Skin?

Honey is a nourishing ingredient for the body inside as well as the skin outside. If you have switched from sugar to honey in your tea, it is time to reap in its beauty benefits too. Honey not only nourishes and soothes your skin, but its anti-bacterial and hydrating properties rejuvenate it and help fade dark spots and blemishes.

Honey is known to have strong antioxidant and anti-microbial properties which help to protect the skin from the damage of the sun's rays supports the skin's ability to regenerate thereby exposing the lighter skin layer underneath, leaving your skin feeling silky soft, brighter and supple.

One of the most common natural skincare benefits with honey is related to its use in the treatment of acne and pimples. Honey absorbs impurities from the pores on the skin, making it an ideal cleansing agent too.

There is a huge number of honey products in the market for hair care, baby care, skincare for sunscreen, hand lotions, facial scrubs and moisturisers. Unfortunately, most of these products are overpriced. If you love exotic skincare products and would not mind spending some money on them, go ahead and get yourself one of these products as they are based on natural ingredients too. But if you are not so eager on spending millions, you can easily make these products yourself and still get that exotic feeling and of course the same if not better effect than you would on more expensive products.

For an easy read, I have split this topic into 3 different areas of focus. Please click on the links below to see the specific details 

Here are a few home-made honey packs for your skin.

Tips on how to buy good honey

Remember, patience is the key. These are natural products and, they need time to work. 

Enjoy the sweetness of your skincare journey........


Sunday 22 March 2015

Dark Spots and Blemish Removal/Turmeric

 Turmeric Facial mask to Stop Pimples, Acne, Blackheads and Eczema

The skin is vulnerable to a series of environmental factors as well as stress and poor eating habits. Although there is a wide market for cosmetic products that offers to improve skin problems, nature also provides a solution to these. Natural treatments for skin that give lasting results are often better than expensive commercial products and cosmetic procedures. One of such natural treatment that I have come to absolutely love is turmeric powder for skin.

Turmeric or 'Haldi', is one of India’s most widely used spices and is one of the ingredients used in Curry powder. Turmeric has been used as beauty product over the centuries. In south Asia, the Turmeric facial masks were an integral part of the bride’s wedding preparations, making her look spotless and glamorous on her big day( I know you remember how those women you see in Bollywood movies glow in their skin).

Turmeric contains a substance called Curcumin, which can benefit the body, both inside and out.
Curcumin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that works to prevent Acne, Eczema, reduces inflammation and redness, and promotes skin healing while reducing hyper-pigmentation and blemishes 
Turmeric masks has been used for skin rejuvenation. It helps in softening lines and wrinkles, giving the face a more youthful appearance. It is also effective with Rosacea – a chronic skin condition that is characterized by redness and pimples. It eases the redness and treats this disease.

The turmeric basic face mask is easy to make, it brightens the skin and makes it look fresh and glow.
After I researched about the use of Turmeric, I decided to purchase it from a local Indian store. I wanted to hear from the horse's mouth and so I asked the older Indian lady about the Turmeric mask and if all the magic effects I have heard about it was just one of the popular Bollywood film tricks. To my positive surprise, she confirmed the benefits of this yellow spice, she gave me first hand recipes for the turmeric face masks which I have tried and am sharing with you here.

Here are the recipes for a homemade Turmeric Facial mask:
There are many variations for the recipe, but below you will find the basic recipe. Some add chickpea flower to thicken the paste and help fight wrinkles or a little bit of lemon juice which helps to lighten the skin.

Face preparation
Wash your face with running water and remove all makeup. If your hair is long, tie it up at the back. Wear a T-shirt you are not too attached to, in case it gets stained.

1. For a glowing Skin 
Put turmeric into a little bowl. Add honey (honey can be used to prepare other homemade honey face masks that you can make at home and is one of my personal favourites). Then add milk or yogurt. You can adjust the amount of milk to make the paste more or less thick, but make sure it’s a firm paste that will stick to your face. 

2. Reduce Signs of Ageing
Use turmeric as an exfoliating agent to reduce signs of ageing. Combine turmeric powder and Besan or gram flour also known as chickpea flour in equal proportions and add water, milk or yogurt to make a paste. Apply evenly on skin and leave it to dry. Wash away with lukewarm water, gently scrubbing your face in circular motions.

3. To Brighten skin and reduce blemishes
Prepare turmeric mask by adding some Honey, lemon juice and milk to turmeric powder to make a paste. Apply on skin and leave on for 30 minutes then wash off gently with water.

4. To reduce acne scars 
apply a mixture of turmeric powder and water on acne marks and leave on for 30 minutes.

 5. Healthy and flawless skin
Prepare a paste from equal quantities of turmeric power and rice powder or chickpea flour and milk. Apply directly on face and neck then leave on for about 30-45 minutes. Rinse off with water.

Application of the Turmeric Face Mask

Apply the mask evenly all over your face. A spot you don’t want to miss is under the eyes, as turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties help reduce the dark circles, which form as a result of vasoconstriction (narrowing of the vessels). Besides the mask has a brightening effect and leaving out your under eye would mean having darker under eye circles.
If you have any mask leftover, you can save it in the fridge for a few days and use it the next time.
Make sure the mask dries on your face before washing out, this means leaving it on for about 20 minutes or longer and then washing it off with cool water. Dry your face gently with a cloth.
Repeat the mask over the course of a few days. You can do it every few weeks, depending on your needs and complexion.
During my intensive Skin care phase, I used the mask everyday for 2 weeks and saw amazing results, now I would use it once in every two weeks as a prophylactic measure to prevent further breakouts

Why is this mask so great?
Turmeric is a good antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agent. Honey also has anti-bacterial properties and it moisturises the skin well. Milk and other milk products contain lactic acid, which is an alpha hydroxy acid and it exfoliates and brightens the skin. Together, these three ingredients work wonders for your skin.

Important Tips

  • Turmeric is a dye and it can stain anything, so you don’t want it dripping off your face.  
  • To keep your skin glowing, use this regularly or at least once a week.
  • Chickpea flour or gram flour may be added to turmeric to be used as facial scrub, which also inhibits facial hair growth. Do this for about one month for best results. 
  • If your Skin is healthy and clear, you would want to maintain the beauty. Make a paste with turmeric powder, Chickpea (gram) flour, honey and milk. Use this as a body scrub before taking a shower. Regular use will lead to clear, spotless skin. This can also be used t lighten your complexion.  
  • Apply turmeric powder directly on minor skin cuts to help speed up wound healing
  • Using turmeric regularly helps to prevent skin disorders and make your skin absolutely flawless.
  • Remember, patience is the key. These are natural products and not laboratory chemicals, they need time to work.I will be sharing a few possible ways to effectively conceal your blemishes to be able to comfortably and patiently transit from a bad skin to a flawless skin.

Enjoy the flavors of Turmeric..

Picture update of result so far. This is after about 4 weeks of intensive skin treatment. 

Saturday 21 March 2015

Important health tips for skin

Topically treating your skin issues using natural ingredients is very necessary. But do you know that the things you put in your body play a bigger role in determining the state of your skin and health in general?

Here, I will be sharing with you the Do's and Don't s for a healthy beautiful skin. 

1. Eat Healthy: I know you have heard this uncountable times but do you really take it seriously? Well , if you don't, you should start now. The first and probably the most important thing is DRINK WATER,  I said WATER.  The amount of water you drink everyday determines how clear and flawless your skin will look. Why did I stress water? because when you hear drink a lot, it is natural to think that drinking coffee,  cola, lemonade, beer are all part of drinking. Sure they are and you are right, but I don't mean that kind of drinking, I mean the kind of drinking that will help detoxify or if you like wash out the toxins built up in your body.  Literally, only water has that power. 

If you are  petite like me and weigh about 50kg, drinking around 2 litres of water everyday would do the magic. If you weigh around 70kg, 2 to 3 litres of water will do for you. If you are bigger then you do need more.
Take your usual ration of coffee that you enjoy having in a day, I can't take that away from you because I don't practice what I call the denial medicine. I would rather you eat whatever makes you happy but just don't over do it. It is important  that you balance it with just as much amount of water or more.

Secondly, cut down on what ever quantity of food you eat. Like I said earlier, I am not a fan of denials. I wouldn't tell you to stop eating meat, stop eating Cabs, eat only Proteins, NO, that's wrong. Each and every part of the food you eat has some nutrients in it that your body needs. The issue of dieting is a very broad one so I will have to make a separate blog for it. It is an enormous topic.

Eat what you enjoy eating , just cut down on the quantity, especially if you think you need to shed some weight. If not then concentrate on eating those nutritious food you love. You should enjoy what you eat because it adds up to your quality of life.
If you are working on shedding some weight then cut that quantity of rice or meat you eat in a day. If you are used to eating a full plate, cut it down to a half plate, this will be difficult at the beginning but trust me, discipline is what you need. There is a physiology to adjusting to a particular amount of food that saturates you. Do you know you can train your stomach? Yes, you can teach your stomach to be fine with a particular amount of food. This is not easy, just like nothing good comes easy but it is achievable with self discipline. 
Do I need to tell you not to smoke or to quit smoking if you are already doing it? Well I know you know that already right?  I would just give you the benefit of the doubt that you already know smoking is one habit that has absolutely no health benefit whatsoever. 

There are some food that are particularly beneficial to the skin,  l will be giving you a whole list of food that will help you achieve that flawless skin. Check on my future blogs.

2. Make good use of the pores on your skin: The pores on our skin actually has a function. This is your skin's mode of substance transport.  Your skin absorbs substances through the pores and it also eliminates substances through them. When you apply your moisturisers, deodorants, lotions, powder, topical medicines on your skin, they would go into your bloodstream or just in your skin tissues or muscles. Your skin sometimes also pick up substances from the air even though we usually don't realise how.  Have you ever noticed that after spending time around people who smoke, you would usually go home smelling like you've just smoked, your partner might even suspect you are doing something fishy huh.Your Skin is the culprit here.
I agree, sometimes we have no power or control over what our skin takes in through the pores maybe because of the environment we are unwillingly exposed to.  On the other hand you can control how often your skin eliminates dirt. You are wondering how to do this? It's actually simple.....Sweat, yes,  sweat it out. 

We sweat when we exercise, walk a long distance, sometimes even when we cook in the kitchen or vacuum the house, we sweat. Most times we don't enjoy sweating but they are actually quite beneficial to the skin.
The skin excretes or if you like, gets rid of dirt when we  sweat so try to feel good while sweating. 

The very important thing though is that you take a shower after sweating to wash off those dirt lying on your skin and to tighten (close) your pores afterwards, you don't want those dirt clogging your pores.

Usually when we talk about exercising,  going to the gym or participating in marathons or going jogging every morning does cross our minds. Now relax, lay back, don't freak out just yet trying to think of how to start creating time in between working 12 hours a day and maybe taking your kids to school, cooking for them and at the same time keeping yourself looking beautiful. 
A lot of accredited medical researches has shown that taking a walk for just about 10 minutes a day could make a huge difference.  So, let the car rest sometimes, save all those money you spend on gas, take a walk to the grocery store or to visit that friend who lives a few miles away or to go to your hair dressing salon. Walk it, walking does the magic and isn't it awesome that you don't have to create that extra time to burn some energy, you can do it while taking care of your business.
A lot of people are in the habit of sending their children or younger ones on short errands like picking up their ringing phone from the dinning table while they are sitting on the couch or sending them to get you a cup of water from the kitchen while you are lying in your sofa. Stop doing that, I see it as being lazy, get up from that couch, stretch your legs if they are stiff and go pick up your phone yourself, WALK to the kitchen and get yourself that cup of water. These little movements count. Change that habit and you will notice the unbelievable difference it makes.

Now, I am not saying it is not a great thing to go workout in the gym or go jogging for an hour everyday. Reality is, if you are working extra hours or have kids and home to take care of, you usually can not afford that luxury.  Changing all these other "tiny" mobility habits might just give you the result you need without you having to compromise a lot.

3. Leave Your Face Alone: We all know that moment when you sit on your desk with your face resting on your palm, I used to do that a lot and it was more like an impulse than it was a habit. Our hand is one part of our body that most frequently comes in contact with different organisms including bacterias and viruses. We are usually not aware of the amount of microorganisms that rent a home on our palms. We are talking about millions of them, you'll most probably freak out if you are to see these tiny monsters with your eyes. 

These monsters are not usually nice, they'd eat you up if you let them.

Washing your hands is one way to reduce their number but no matter how thoroughly you wash your hands, you can hardly get rid of all of them.
Nature didn't think we should do without them so there are some microorganisms that actually are  legitimate tenants on our palm or our skin in general.  They have just as much right as you do to dwell on your skin so you have no choice than to accept them and live with them.
These monsters are thus  called resident bacterial flora. They are there, and they ain't going anywhere.  Bad news though is, like monsters they may decide to hurt you sometimes and when they strike, the result is bad skin conditions.
If they happen to attack your face, they'll cause Breakouts, Pimples, Acne and all those awful things you definitely don't want on your face. How do you avoid this? Keep them away, LEAVE YOUR FACE ALONE.

Secondly,  if unfortunately they succeed in attacking your face and you notice black heads, white heads or pimples, not pop. I know this is a hard one, it could be super tempting but if you love your skin and you don't want to spend days concealing dark spots, then try not to fall for the temptation....just leave your face alone. 

The next point is, you might also rightfully think that frequently cleaning your face may help you clear your face or keep it free from inflammations. This thinking is very logical as it makes sense, but, it is physiologically wrong, this is why:
Naturally our skin produces oil which are meant to keep it moisturised if you like. These oils are being produced under the skin and released through the pores.  When you wash your face too frequently,  you are automatically ripping the skin off the oil it has produced already. Just like other auto-regulated organs in our body, whenever the skin feels it has not enough oil, it automatically produces more. 

Like I mentioned earlier, the oils pass through the pores. At this point you can already guess what will happen. More oil gets produced thereby increasing the chances of the pores getting clogged.  The pores tend to get clogged and vuala! Pimples, Acne, Blackheads, Frustration, increased hormone levels,  more Breakouts , more washing, more breakouts and it goes on and on and then we run to the dermatologist totally sure we have some terrible skin disease we saw on Google.

It's that simple, leave your face alone. Washing your face more than twice a day is too much. Choose which part of the day you want to use soap or cleanser on your face.
This I suggest would be just before you go to bed, especially if you wear make up. Then in the morning just wash with water and that should be enough, unless you indulge in some kind of activities that gets your face dirty while you are sleeping.

Exfoliating the skin of your face is also necessary but do this not more than 3 or 2 times a week if it's necessary.  I will write more on the right way to clean your face on a new blog. For now let's leave it there.

4. Sleep On Your Back: Different people have different sleeping positions. I for instance love sleeping on my tummy. If you belong to this group then you have got some work to do. Sleeping face down is not such a good news for your skin if you have a problem prone skin.

We usually apply a lot of products on our hair which are not necessarily good for the skin. When we sleep on our pillow, these chemicals tend to remain on our pillow so when you sleep on your tummy , your face picks up all these harsh chemicals. Imagine leaving such chemicals on your face overnight and doing it everyday.  Most of us don't realise this because if we do, we would change it.

How to change it; learn how to sleep on your back. Tough one I agree because sometimes you might go to bed on your back just to wake up in the morning to see you are lying on your tummy. Don't worry, I've been there so I have a solution for that.
Get yourself a beauty pillow. I will paste a picture of what a beauty pillow looks like. You don't have to spend a lot of money doing this. I made my beauty pillow myself using an old big pillow that nobody really uses. What the beauty pillow does is, it minimises the chances of you turning back on your tummy when you are  in deep sleep.  Make sure the pillow is firm but soft enough to give you the comfort.  I usually place my beauty pillow on my normal pillow. This keeps my head higher thereby stopping your face from looking swollen or puffy in the morning (physiology).

Another trick is keeping a clean piece of cloth beside your bed which you could always place on your pillow if you can't stop lying on your face.

The third trick is to make sure you cover your hair with a clean material or cap you can comfortably sleep in. That way, your hair wouldn't come in contact with your pillow. Remember, if you use a hair net, your hair is not fully covered so it could still contaminate your pillow. If you are going for a scarf or a hair cap, make sure it is clean and that your hair is fully covered up.

The fourth trick is unrealistic but I will still mention it. Change your pillow cases everyday. 

5. Love your skin: I will make this one short. If you love someone, you wouldn't want to hurt that person. same way, if you love your skin , you wouldn't hurt your skin.

Don't rough handle your skin, pamper it. Be mindful of products you use on your skin.  I know some of us are not in the habit  of reading but please form the habit of reading the ingredients on what ever product you are putting on your skin.

I am sure we are all mindful of everything that goes into our mouth.  You should be that cautious with your skin. Remember , things you put on your skin could get into your bloodstream just like the things you eat. 

So please READ! Know what those weird sounding  ingredients in your body cream mean. Thanks to Google,  you don't need to study chemistry to know what those substances are neither do you need to study medicine to know their health consequences. 

I know all these tips might sound very well far fetched but believe me, all you need to do is try them first, you have nothing to loose.  Everything I write about are things I have implemented or maybe have tried to. We are not born knowing these things,  we learn them. I am still learning them so just join the class and learn with me.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Intensive Natural Skin Care Routine For Damaged skin

Intensive Skin Care Routine

I have developed a totally new skin care regimen. Using facial masks which I never did before. I researched about healthy DIY masks with natural ingredients. Now my routine looks like this..

Note: this is not a daily skin care routine, this routine could be used on a short term basis to treat a severely damaged skin. It is quite intensive and time consuming.
Before Bed routine:
Wash the face briefly with the Mint Julep Facial Scrub,  without leaving it on for a second, it washes out the  surface impurities leaving a clean face to start with. 
then apply the turmeric/chickpea flour/milk and honey mask on face and neck. Equal amount of turmeric and chickpea flour with just enough honey to make it a firm paste. The milk makes it a little more creamy than slimy.  
Leave the mask on to dry out which takes about 45 minutes. If you are dark skinned,  it could be left longer because we have thicker skin layers. After it dries, step into the shower and wash it off with lukewarm water making sure to wash out all residues on the basin as turmeric could stain! 
Step out of the shower and first gently pat the face dry with a clean towel and then the rest of the body. 
Next, wet a cotton pad with a little amount of  fresh lemon juice (this can be stored in an airtight container in your fridge or bathroom cabinet for a week). Clean the  face using the lemon juice.  This will thoroughly cleanse all the yellowish/orange residual colour of the turmeric.  
It stings a bit but only temporarily. Lemon juice contains citric acid which could serve as a great toner and reduces the appearance of the facial pores thereby reducing the chances of the pores getting clogged. the face usually feels very smooth and soft after this. 
Leave the lemon  on to dry about one or two minutes before applying any moisturiser for sensitive skin.  

Morning routine: 
As mention earlier in my post, I totally stopped the use of the Otentika C15 serum on any part of my skin and since then, no new pimple sprouting, I guess the cellulose and Oleth in the Serum couldn't make friends with my skin. 
First rinse the face with Luke-warm water to open up the pores and then dab a little amount of baking soda (bicarbonate of sodium) as a scrub for about one to two minutes and then rinse off with cold water to further tighten the pores. Lemon skin toner can be used at this point if not used at night. The advise is to the Lemon toner once a day. this is followed up with a moisturising sun screen.
At this point,  my skin is showing drastic improvement.  Since I started this regimen,  I haven't had any new black heads or Zits sprouting and the enormous scares caused by my previous breakouts are fading so fast. 
It is quite impressive that the simple edible things we have in our kitchen would work wonders more than all these chemical sweet smelling products we buy on high street stores.  My face looks amazing. The texture, the look, the colour,  absolutely amazing! 
It is barely two weeks I started this new all natural DIY regimen and I am already seeing unbelievable results. Presently,  I am on an intensive care phase since the breakout.  After my skin recovers and the scars and spots disappear,  I should be using the mask only once in two weeks depending on the need of my skin. 
My goal is to achieve a flawless or at least close to flawless and healthier skin using mainly natural ingredients. 
After all, I am nicer when my skin looks good..


Facial Skin care regimen/Otentika Journey/ Flawless Dark Skin/Lifestyle/Motivation/DIY Natural Products

I have spent years searching and  researching on the safe and effective way to take care of the skin on your face specifically since the face is usually the problem area for most people.
Before now (actually till this morning) I usually deep cleans my skin twice a day.  I use the Mint Julep facial scrub in the mornings and the Fair&White exfoliating bar soap at nights(total disaster!). I usually notice that my face would be really very dry after using the bar soap but then I thought it would actually help stop the clogging of pores, how wrong I was. The bar exfoliating soap was too harsh on my skin! No skin product should leave your skin that dry! Stay away from those!
Today, I will be making a change in my cleansing regimen.  I will be cleansing only once daily with the mint julep.  Over cleansing does cause breakouts ( though I've been doing this for quite some time now). I really wanted to give the Otentika skin Care Products a chance.  Instinct still tells me the product is right for me. If after changing my regimen and no improvement happens, then I will be definitely certain that this product isn't good for me.

Monday, 2nd of March 2015. Let's just say that am out to do all it takes to acquire or probably regain a flawless skin so I have gone on a whole different level with my skin care regimen.  Before now, my skin care has been more or less a regular one, basically just showering and moisturising with any product within my reach. Now unlike before, I pay very good attention to what ever comes on my skin. I read and research all ingredients in the soap or cream I use and I kind of lean towards the more natural ingredients as much as I can. To my usual regimen , I have added facial masking, for this I opted for the all natural DIY mask with lemon and honey. This I wish to be doing about 3 times a week.  So the plan is cleansing mask on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays while Mint julep on Tuesdays,  Wednesdays and Fridays,  Sundays are the facial breathing day, when I will only rinse and moisturise.

DIY facial masks
For the first time , I did the lemon and honey mask. I left it on for about 30min, just time enough for it to be absorbed.  Btw, I would be very gentle on my skin from now on, not over doing anything because that also is wrong as much as not caring for the skin at all.  After I rinsed out the mask with lukewarm water, my face did feel fresh but still a little dry, nevertheless, I left the skin open after it since I'll be going for a shower later.

Healthier Lifestyle
I wouldn't fail to mention that apart from the topical skin care improvements,  I also have developed a sort of healthier lifestyle.  I work out regularly and do a lot of walking, drinking a lot of water,less fat , etc.  as a matter of fact after my last pregnancy,  I lost almost 10kg. Presently I weigh about 50kg at a height of 158cm (5feet 2 inches). Am quite petite with a BMI of 20.
Another thing I have become very much conscious of is my facial  hygiene.  One of the habits I am trying to change now is sleeping on my stomach which meant sleeping on my face.  I realised that one thing that could lead to an unhealthy looking face is sleeping on your face . If you use hair or skin products, they always leave residues on your pillow and unless you are in the habit of changing your pillow cases everyday, you will end up getting all those products on your face every night which will cause you to break out. I try to sleep more on my back or side which hasn't been that easy as I have loved  sleeping on my belly all my life but then the change is worth it so I keep trying, I got myself a beauty pillow (blink).  For the past 2 or 3 days , I have drastically cut down on my aggressive facial cleansing habit and have started to kind of pamper my skin , I avoid touching it as often as I used to. I haven't noticed any new Zits sprouting and though I still got this scary monster Zit on my cheek,  my face does feel cleaner and smoother. More reason to continue using the Otentika skin care products , I thought.

I wonder what actually is my motivation on this journey.  I think having some free time does create a good opportunity to be creative,  it depends on what one gets creative on. I am almost rounding up my one year maternity leave which is about the longest free time I have had in all my adult life.  I had the time to read more, i spent a lot of time reading  both academic journals  and basically everything, I started reading just about anything that catches my interest. Besides I needed to invest those extra times on my hubby and children. I found myself leaving my cell phone for hours in the bedroom while playing with my children , this is something I wasn't able to do earlier. I researched a lot about healthy living. I discovered how important it is to pay attention to one's skin being the largest organ in the body. I got rid of all my relaxed hair ( I did this some months back though, will be writing on my natural hair journey soon) , started growing out my natural hair, presently I wear them in protective styles,  almost every time.  
Knowing how careless I have been with my skin and hair all these while, these are huge changes for me but am excited about it. It's not just about looking good, it's more about being healthy and looking good in it. So many women spend money on products that will only make them look good temporarily but on the long run , these products will ruin your health.  This is the case with using chemical relaxers on your hair or using aggressive body lightening products on the body.  When we get old , we don't want to look all weak and wrinkled,  personally , I want to age beautifully.  Therefore,  even though I started this journey relatively late ( which is the case with most people), am happy I started it and am giving it my best shot cos it's about me after all.      

Skin Care Routine
Thursday, 19th March 2015
Like I said earlier,  I have developed a totally new skin care regimen. I use facial masks which I never did before. I researched about healthy DIY masks with natural ingredients. Now my routine looks like this: before going to bed everyday , I would wash my face very briefly with the mint julep facial scrub,  I don't leave it on for a second , I usually wash out the surface dirt just to have a clean face to start with. After that I would apply the turmeric/chickpea flour/milk and honey mask on face and neck. Equal amount of turmeric and chickpea flour with just enough honey to make it a firm paste. The milk makes it a little more creamy than slimy.  I would leave the mask on till it dries out which takes about 45min. If you are dark skinned,  it could be left longer because we have thicker skin layers. After it dries I would step into the shower and wash it off with lukewarm water making sure to wash out all residues on the basin as turmeric could stain. I would step out of the shower and first gently pat my face dry with a clean towel and then the rest of my body. I would use a cotton pad and soak a little amount of  fresh lemon juice which I squeezed into a plastic container. I would clean my face using the lemon juice.  This will thoroughly clean up all the yellow residual colour of the turmeric.  It stings a bit but just for a while. Lemon juice contains citric acid which could serve as a great toner and reduces the appearance of the facial pores thereby reducing the chances of the pores getting clogged. My face usually feels very smooth and soft after this. I would leave on the lemon to dry about 2 minutes before applying a moisturiser.  While applying the cream , I massage my face spontaneously as this aids the absorption of the cream.  My skin feels firm and bright at the end.
I totally stopped the use of the Otentika C15 serum on any part of my skin and since then, no new pimple sprouting, I guess the cellulose and Oleth in the Serum couldn't make friends with my skin. 
In the mornings, I would first rinse my face with warm water to open the pores and then I would dab a little amount of baking soda (bicarbonate of sodium) which could be used as a slightly alkaline toner , to scrub my face for about two minutes and then rinse off with cold water to further tighten the pores. I would go ahead and apply the Shea butter moisturiser and that's it.
 At this point,  my skin is showing drastic improvements.  Since I started this regimen,  I haven't had any new black heads or Zits sprouting and the enormous scares caused by my previous breakouts are fading so fast. It is quite unbelievable that the simple edible things we have in our kitchen would work wonders more than all these chemical sweet smelling products we buy on high street stores.  My face looks amazing. The texture, the look, the colour,  absolutely amazing! It is barely two weeks I started this new all natural DIY regimen and I am already seeing unbelievable results. I ordered the raw organic apple cider vinegar last night which I will be adding to my regimen.  Presently,  I am on an intensive care phase since the breakout.  After my skin recovers and the scars and spots disappear,  I hope to be doing the mask only once a week depending on the need of my skin. My goal is to achieve a flawless or at least close to flawless and healthier skin using mainly natural ingredients. This also applies to my hair.

These are some natural skin care remedies that I have implemented through this journey........

 Turmeric Facial mask to Stop Pimples, Acne, Blackheads and Eczema

The skin is the outermost layer of the body that is often easily damaged by environmental factors as well as stress and poor eating habits. Although there is a wide market for cosmetic products that offers to improve skin problems, nature also provides a solution to these. Natural treatments for skin that give lasting results are often better than expensive commercial products and cosmetic procedures. One of such natural treatment that I have come to absolutely love is Turmeric powder for skin.

Turmeric or 'Haldi', is one of India’s most widely used spices and is one of the ingredients used in Curry powder. Turmeric has been used as beauty product over the centuries. In south Asia, the Turmeric facial masks were an integral part of the bride’s wedding preparations, making her look spotless and glamorous on her big day( I know you can remember how those women you see in Bollywood movies glow in their skin).

Turmeric contains a substance called Curcumin, which can benefit the body, both inside and out.
Curcumin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that works to prevent Acne, Eczema, reduces inflammation and redness, and promotes skin healing while reducing hyper-pigmentation and blemishes 
Turmeric masks has been used for skin rejuvenation. It helps in softening lines and wrinkles, giving the face a more youthful appearance. It is also effective with Rosacea – a chronic skin condition that is characterized by redness and pimples. It eases the redness and treats this disease.

The turmeric basic face mask is easy to make, it brightens the skin and makes it look fresh and glow.
After I researched about the use of Turmeric, I decided to purchase it from a local Indian store. I wanted to hear from the horse's mouth and so I asked the older Indian lady about the Turmeric mask and if all the magic effects I have heard about it was just one of the popular Bollywood film tricks. To my positive surprise, she confirmed the benefits of this yellow spice, she gave me first hand recipes for the turmeric face masks which I have tried and am sharing with you here.

Here are the recipes for a homemade Turmeric Facial mask:
There are many variations for the recipe, but below you will find the basic recipe. Some add chickpea flower to thicken the paste and help fight wrinkles or a little bit of lemon juice which helps to lighten the skin.

Face preparation
Wash your face with running water and remove all makeup. If your hair is long, tie it up at the back. Wear a T-shirt you are not too attached to, in case it gets stained.

1. For a glowing Skin 
Put turmeric into a little bowl. Add honey (honey can be used to prepare other homemade honey face masks that you can make at home and is one of my personal favorites). Then add milk or yogurt. You can adjust the amount of milk to make the paste more or less thick, but make sure it’s a firm paste that will stick to your face. 

2. Reduce Signs of Aging
Use turmeric as an exfoliating agent to reduce signs of aging. Combine turmeric powder and Besan or gram flour also known as chickpea flour in equal proportions and add water, milk or yogurt to make a paste. Apply evenly on skin and leave it to dry. Wash away with lukewarm water, gently scrubbing your face in circular motions.

3. To Brighten skin and reduce blemishes
Prepare turmeric mask by adding some Honey, lemon juice and milk to turmeric powder to make a paste. Apply on skin and leave on for 30 minutes then wash off gently with water.

4. To reduce acne scars 
apply a mixture of turmeric powder and water on acne marks and leave on for 30 minutes.

 5. Healthy and Growing Skin
Prepare a paste from equal quantities of turmeric power and rice powder or chickpea flour and milk. Apply directly on face and neck then leave on for about 30-45 minutes. Rinse off with water.

Application of the Turmeric Face Mask

Apply the mask evenly all over your face. A spot you don’t want to miss is under the eyes, as turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties help reduce the dark circles, which form as a result of vasoconstriction (narrowing of the vessels). Besides the mask has a brightening effect and leaving out your under eye would mean having darker under eye circles.
If you have any mask leftover, you can save it in the fridge for a few days and use it the next time.
Make sure the mask dry on your face before washing out, this means leaving it on for about 20 minutes or longer and then washing it off with cool water. Dry your face gently with a cloth.
Repeat the mask over the course of a few days. You can do it every few weeks, depending on your needs and complexion.
During my intensive Skin care phase, I used the mask everyday for 2 weeks and saw amazing results, now I would use it once in every two weeks as a prophylactic measure to prevent further breakouts

Why is this mask so great?
Turmeric is a good antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agent. Honey also has anti-bacterial properties and it moisturizes the skin well. Milk and other milk products contains lactic acid, which is an alpha hydroxy acid and it exfoliates and brightens the skin. Together, these three ingredients work wonders for your skin.

Important Tips

  • Turmeric is a dye and it can stain anything, so you don’t want it dripping off your face.  
  • To keep your skin glowing, use this regularly or at least once a week.
  • Chickpea flour or gram flour may be added to turmeric to be used as facial scrub, which also inhibits facial hair growth. Do this for about one month for best results. 
  • If your Skin is healthy and clear, you would want to maintain the beauty. Make a paste with turmeric powder, Chickpea (gram) flour, honey and milk. Use this as a body scrub before taking a shower. Regular use will lead to clear, spotless skin. This can also be used t lighten your complexion.  
  • Apply turmeric powder directly on minor skin cuts to help speed up wound healing
  • Using turmeric regularly helps to prevent skin disorders and make your skin absolutely flawless.
  • Remember, patience is the key. These are natural products and not laboratory chemicals, they need time to work.I will be sharing a few possible ways to effectively conceal your blemishes to be able to comfortably and patiently transit from a bad skin to a flawless skin.

Enjoy the flavors of Turmeric..

The next Do It Yourself (DIY) Home remedy I will be sharing with you today is the Baking Soda.

That kitchen ingredient you love using in your Bread and Cake to make it Puffy.
Before I continue I have to say that before now, I actually was a little reserved about using Baking Soda as a raising agent for my bakeries. Why? because of the name (funny huh?). The chemical name of Baking Soda is Sodium Bicarbonate or Bicarbonate of Sodium ( Not Baking Powder which has an added acidifying agent in it). As a Scientist, I have used a lot of laboratory chemicals with strong reacting abilities that I have, in the course of time, become sensitive to any chemical name. Think of this, we all use table salt, table salt is a substance which could be used as a chemical agent.  It's chemical name is Sodium Chloride. The difference though is that these chemicals are naturally occurring and they are edible, in that case, if we can afford to literally EAT these chemicals, they then must be safe to be used on our skin (Personal Logic). Besides Baking Soda is also used in medicine to treat Heartburn as an antacid.

A Little Chemistry about the Baking Soda
for those who are interested in some scientific breakdown or chemistry of the Baking Soda. You might want to know that Baking Soda or Bicarbonate of Sodium ( as it is mainly called in the UK), is an amphoteric substance. This means that it has the ability to react with both acids and bases and could neutralize them.       On it's own baking Soda has a slightly salty(alkaline) taste.

Why is the pH information necessary? The Skin has a pH which is considered normal for it. This pH is slightly acidic lying below 5 (7 is neutral). Variable skin pH values are though being reported in medical literature, all in the acidic range but with a broad range from pH 4.0 to 6.0. This is in line with existing literature, where a relatively large number of reports  actually describes pH values below 5.0; this is in contrast to the general assumption, that skin surface pH is on average between 5.0 and 6.0. Not only the use of cosmetic products, especially soaps, have profound influence on skin surface pH, but even the use of plain tap water, in Europe with a pH value generally around 8.0, will increase skin pH up to 6 h after application before returning to its 'natural' value of on average below 5.0. It is demonstrated that skin with pH values below 5.0 is in a better condition than skin with pH values above 5.0, as shown by measuring the biophysical parameters of barrier function (PMID:18489300[PubMed])
It is important to maintain this slightly acidic pH of the skin as it gives the skin that protection against infection. On the other hand, a reduction in the pH of the skin would cause inflammation (redness). Because Baking Soda has the ability to neutralize the pH of the skin ( if Baking Soda reacts with  an acid, the decomposition end product is carbon dioxide and water which are pretty much harmless). Nevertheless,  it is important to maintain the "normal" skin pH and this is where the use of a skin toner with a pH close to that of the skin comes in. Don't worry, am not sending you to the cosmetic store yet......there is a super effective solution to this right in your Kitchen, the apple Cider Vinegar. The Apple cider vinegar is a mega skin toner which will help balance your skin pH immediately after using the Baking Soda.
let's take a break here with that boring chemistry and move over to the real thing, I would go ahead and tell you the benefits of Baking Soda which nobody ever told you.

Benefits and uses of Baking Soda ( First make sure your skin is cleansed with warm water and your face damp)

1. Facial wash (Helps Lighten your Skin)
Combine 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of warm water and stir to create a paste. Splash your face with warm water to open pores, grab some of the mixture and gently wash your face in a circular motion for 2 minutes. Then, rinse your face with cold water to further close the pores and pat your face dry. Tone your face with apple cider Vinegar (Read below on how to use as Toner and lightener).

2. As an Exfoliator or Scrub
The many uses for baking soda for skin care also include using it as an exfoliator to eliminate dead skin cells exposing the healthier and brighter skin layer under.  I find that plain baking soda granules on its own is grainy enough to be a gentle scrub. You can also add a teaspoon to your cleanser or add a tablespoon each of baking soda and water along with 2 teaspoons of oat flour to get a deeper cleaning (I will write more about oat meal later).

3. As A Deodorant:
I have tried this for about 3 weeks now and it works wonders for me. You all know how uncomfortable it could get when you sit beside someone and the person has this unpleasant body odor. Sometimes even after using a deodorant, there's still that subtle smell which the person might not perceive but every other person does (eewww). Believe me nobody wants that. Did you know that Baking Soda is what you need to fight that? am guessing you don't, well now you know because baking soda will absorb that musty smells.

How To use:
This is how I use it, you may find another way that works better for you. Take a cotton pad or a cosmetic pad, use your finger tip to scoop a little bit of the powder and place it on your pad. sprinkle a little water on the pad just to make it wet, make sure it doesn't drip because you might be washing off the Baking Soda. Use this pad to clean your armpit area, moving from up to down for about 4 to 5 times on each side. This will clean your armpit thoroughly. you will notice that even after having a shower, there will still be some dirt on the cotton pad after cleaning. This also helps to lighten your armpit, trust me ( I would have posted a picture but i think it's a little gross). After cleaning the armpit , you can go ahead and apply your regular deodorant or antiperspirant for a double protection, besides, I like the fragrance of my antiperspirant so I usually use it after the Baking Soda.

It is important to mention that Baking Soda is not an antiperspirant so it will not stop you from sweating. It only takes away the bad odor (deodorant). If you are home all day and know you wouldn't sweat, you can go ahead and use only baking soda to keep you smelling fresh but if you are going out then I would advice you use an antiperspirant to help reduce the sweating and of course, add that sweet fragrance you love.

3. Softens And Cleans Your Feet 
The skin on our feet is usually the last place we think of when it comes to skin care but they need love too! After a hard day or even a not so hard day, treat your feet to a relaxing soak of baking soda and warm water. Using baking soda as a foot soak will not only get your little piggies squeaky clean but it'll also soften the skin of your feet.
Mix one table spoon of baking soda for every 2 Litters of water in your basin, soak for about a half hour and follow it up with a thick cream for sparkly, soft and smooth skin of your feet!

4. Acne Face Mask( Prevents Acne, Pimples and Blackheads)
If you have acne, try using baking soda for skin care in the form of an acne mask. After washing your face, mix a few drops of baking soda with warm water until you have a thick paste and apply it all over your face. Leave it on for about 5-10 minutes and rinse off with warm water. Do a test on your hand first if you have a sensitive skin as using Baking soda the first time on your skin might sting. Subsequently, tone your skin with apple Cider Vinegar. Baking soda will not only clean and smooth your skin, but it also will lighten it while helping you  prevent blackheads which develops into pimples and acne.
5.To whiten Teeth
It's been recorded back in the 14th century in Chinese, that Baking soda was used  as a mouthwash and treatment for gum diseases. It was introduced to Americans by the English and has been used in the United States since the 18th century, so this is not new. By the way, did you know that most whitening Toothpaste or mouthwash contain baking soda? yes they do.
How To Use: place some of the powder on your usual toothpaste and brush your  teeth as usual. Don't forget to tell me about the result afterwards.

So grab a box of baking soda from your kitchen and get ready to see some big changes in your skin care routine.

Important Tip!!!

  • Remember to cleanse your face with Apple Cider Vinegar after using baking soda on your face. This acts as a toner to balance your skin pH  and as an astringent..   
 How to Use : Get a raw organic Apple Cider Vinegar, this could be found in most grocery stores. Mix  an equal volume of the apple cider vinegar with water in a container and leave in you cosmetic shelve .  It can be used with a pad or washcloth  for a soft cleansing. ( I will be writing a separate blog on Apple Cider Vinegar)
  • Always dilute your apple cider vinegar at the ratio of 1:1 with water before use.
  • Baking soda can have an over-drying effect on the skin. To counteract this, begin any treatment slowly. Try using it as an exfoliant or as face masks once a week; if you see improvement, you can begin to use it more frequently.
  • While making a paste, make sure to add more water or baking soda to reach the right consistency. The paste should not be runny and be thick enough to be pinched between fingers.
  • Do not use Baking soda on open wounds or open acne on your face as this can really burn. Wait for the skin to heal before using baking soda to remove the scares.
  • Finally, Patience! give your skin time to rejuvenate, These are natural products and they do need time to work.

Sweeten up your beauty and skin care routine with Honey .......

Today, I would like to share with you one of my favorite skin care knowledge, one of the most popular natural ingredient used to achieve a flawless skin,  HONEY.   

Before you spend your hard earned money on all those anti-aging, brightening and moisturizing creams that do nothing to your skin. Try these easy, home-made remedies first. And remember, the main ingredient in all those costly skin care products are things we all can get naturally and unrefined. 

In the ancient times, it is known that ancient queens like Cleopatra regularly applied a mixture of Milk and Honey  to their face to keep the skin young-looking, radiant, and smooth.

Bildergebnis für honey

Pure Organic Honey

Why is Honey good for your Skin?
Honey is a nourishing ingredient for the body inside as well as the skin outside. If you’ve switched from sugar to honey in your tea, it is time to reap in it's beauty benefits too. Honey not only nourishes and soothes your skin, but its anti-bacterial and hydrating properties rejuvenate it and help fade dark spots and blemishes. 

Honey is known to have strong antioxidant and anti-microbial properties which helps to protect the skin from the damage of the sun's rays, supports the skin's ability to regenerate thereby exposing the lighter skin layer underneath, leaving your skin feeling silky soft, brighter and supple. 

One of the most common natural skin care benefits with honey is related to it's use in the treatment of Acne and Pimples. Honey absorbs impurities from the pores on the skin, making it an ideal cleansing agent too. 

There is a huge number of honey products in the market for hair care, baby care, skin care for sunscreen, hand lotions, facial scrubs and moisturizers. Unfortunately most of these products are overpriced. If you love exotic skin care products and wouldn't mind spending some money on them, go ahead and get yourself one of these products as they are based on natural ingredients too. But if you are not so eager on spending millions, you can easily make these products yourself and still get that exotic feeling and of course the same if not better effect that you would get on expensive products.

Below are a few home-made honey packs for your skin.

1. Flawless Brighter Skin
If  Lighter,smooth and flawless skin is what you desire, make a honey face mask. This will not only diminish blemishes but also make your skin soft and supple.

Mix a table spoon of Honey, Milk (you can use raw milk or powdered Milk),  fresh Lemon juice and Olive oil (optional) together and apply it on your face and neck. It is important not to forget your under eye while applying this mask  for an even skin tone.
Now leave it to dry for about 30 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. You'll find that it easily washes away, leaving you with soft, radiant skin.

Use this mask at least once in a week for better results.

  •  For a greater result, add one tablespoon of Turmeric powder and/or Gram Flour to make a paste. On more on how to use Turmeric on face go to How to make Turmeric facial mask
  • If you have an oily skin, avoid using oil in this face pack. On the other hand, if your skin is dry, add a drop of your favorite essential oil for a brilliant glow.

2. Fight Pimples
Acne-prone skin is quite troublesome and those pesky pimples can be difficult to get rid of. Honey can help unclog pores while simultaneously delivering moisture to your skin. Try zapping Zits with honey. If you're suffering from a breakout, reach for a swab of honey instead of an overly drying over-the-counter pimple cream. Make a paste of Honey and Turmeric powder and dab it on the pimple. Let it stay for an hour and wash it off with lukewarm water. 
This could be repeated as often as desired for quicker result.

Tip: You may also try mixing the honey with tea tree oil for additional natural cleansing.

3. Honey as Exfoliator:
You can exfoliate your skin once or twice a week with a gentle scrub made with two parts honey and one part Baking Soda. Baking soda has fine granules that offers light exfoliation while the honey soothes and smooths the skin. Regular use of these two ingredients will give your skin that radiance while preventing further breakouts. Read more on the use of Baking Soda on your Skin.

Tip: You can use brown or white sugar in place of baking soda for a boost to the exfoliation. Sugar has larger granules and would aid a somewhat greater friction and more exfoliation strength. 

4. Get rid of Burn scars
If you have a burn scar, apply some raw honey on it. It has healing and antiseptic properties and if you apply it over the burn regularly, it will produce less scarring than usual. Read more about home remedies to get rid of scars

How to buy the good honey
Honey is easily available in all grocery or food stores but make sure you buy a good brand. Many a times, impure honey is sold in the market by adding sugar syrup or even water to it. This reduces honey’s anti-bacterial property so be careful of what you buy.
A good way to test if honey is pure or not is to freeze it, pure honey will still remain as viscous as before. If your honey jar attracts ants, then it is impure.  Pure honey won’t have ants near it. Another factor to check is whether it gets crystallized or not. If it does, it means that sugar has been added to it. So look out for all these signs and once you notice any of it, take the honey back to the store and ask for your money back.

Raw honey is incredible for your skin thanks to its antibacterial and antioxidant properties. If you're looking for an inexpensive DIY solution or a powerful skin treatment, raw honey can help you regain your glow.

  • Remember, patience is the key. These are natural products and not laboratory chemicals, they need time to work.I will be sharing a few possible ways to effectively conceal your blemishes to be able to comfortably and patiently transit from a bad skin to a flawless skin.

  • Enjoy the sweetness of your skin care journey.

    Apple Cider Vinegar:
    Instead of buying those unhealthy and ineffective chemical-based skin toning and lightening creams, why not allow mother nature to work her magic on your skin?  
    The truth is, cosmetic companies are having us run to the beauty counters for the next miracle in a jar. I am not saying there are no amazing cosmetic products out there with effective natural ingredients. The reality is, most of the time we pile up our cosmetic shelves with products that we do not use after they have disappointed us. This leaves us frustrated, making us spend even more money and time searching for the next product which again ends up making empty promises. You will agree with me that this could be frustrating and sometimes annoying.

    So instead of chasing the empty promise in a jar, racing to different beauty stores and loading up on ineffective products that leaves you feeling let down by the money you wasted on yet another “skin lightening, perfecting, acne fighting” product, look to the shelves of your local grocery store for all the skin magic and miracles you need. One of them is the APPLE CIDER VINEGAR

    Bildergebnis für apple cider vinegar


    How is Apple Cider vinegar produced?
    ACV is produced through fermentation, during this process, bacteria and yeast break down the sugars. First the sugars are turned into alcohol, and when the alcohol ferments further, you get vinegar. The word vinegar is a French word, meaning, “Sour Wine.” During the creation of ACV, substances such as lactic acids, citric acids and malic acids are formed, which give ACV it's antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties that help prevent acne and skin infections. ACV also contains vitamins, mineral salts, and amino acids.

    The ACV you should use is the raw, organic, unfiltered, and unpasteurised kind of ACV. Not the refined kind. Only the good quality and raw ACV contains the “Mother” of vinegar, which is the cloudy stuff that sinks to the bottom of the bottle. This substance contains the beneficial enzymes, pectin and trace minerals that makes ACV so good for you.

    Benefits of Apple cider Vinegar on your Skin

    Apple cider vinegar has high levels of beta-carotene, which corrects the damage caused by free radicals on the skin, giving us healthy, brighter and youthful complexion.
    ACV has antiseptic and antibacterial properties which help protect our skin from pollution and harmful bacteria. It unclogs pores, preventing breakouts and allowing the skin to breathe properly.
    It helps in creating a protective layer on our skin, and helps in preventing our skin from becoming too dry.
    There are several key attributes to ACV for maintaining beautiful skin, and exfoliation is one of them. Exfoliation is a basic key element for keeping bright, youthful and healthy skin.  Exfoliation is widely used as a skin treatment to improve, soften and smooth the skin texture. The new skin layer, once revealed, is much brighter, vibrant, youthful, and healthy.

    Apple cider vinegar has a pH level of about 4.5 to 5, which is close to the ideal pH factor for skin too. ACV helps restore and balance your skin’s pH and acid mantle. This too is key to healthy, beautiful skin.The acid mantle protects the skin and makes it less vulnerable to environmental damage including sun burn. It also makes the skin less prone to dehydration, and also inhibits the growth of foreign bacteria, enabling skin to be healthier and have fewer breakout and blemishes.
    Most people use harsh soaps in washing their face, these products break down their acid mantle, causing more skin problems. Balancing your skin pH is an imperative part of maintaining healthy skin.

    There several health benefits attributed to ACV including weight control and treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases ( I would write about the medical uses of ACV after concluding my research)
    Is is though worth mentioning, that  Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, treated his patients with natural apple cider vinegar in 400 BC, so it may seem new to you, but its virtues have been touted throughout history.

    I have used ACV with great success and now it  has become my only trusted skin Toner since I started this natural skin care journey. Apart from using as a Toner, here are a few other ACV recipes:

    1. Acne and Pimples
    Apple cider vinegar is a remarkably effective treatment for acne and pimples. It’s a natural therapy with no side effects. AVC doesn’t just effectively remove excess oil from your skin, it also helps to balance pH levels and can prevent your skin from becoming too oily or too dry by balancing the production of sebum.
    Mix an equal volume of ACV and water. Apply on your face after shower everyday using a cotton pad. Do not wash it off, just go ahead and apply your regular skin moisturiser daily and watch your skin transform. If you use this consistently, you will never want to try anything else, believe me.

    2. Brightening and Spots fading
    ACV contains powerful alpha hydroxy acids to help remove dead skin cells and reveal a fresher and healthier complexion underneath them. When you use ACV for dark spots, apply a little undiluted ACV directly onto the spots with a cotton wool bud and leave for about 20-30 minutes once or twice a day before rinsing of. Do it for about 6 weeks to see if you notice any improvement.

    3.pH balancing toner:
    The most important benefit of Apple cider vinegar for skincare and my favourite, is its ability to restore and balance the pH of the skin , thereby preventing unpleasant skin conditions including pimples and blackheads.
    Mix 1 part ACV with 1 parts water for your base.Apply everyday on a clean face before applying your cream or make up. I noticed that using this toner stopped my face from getting oily through the day. If you use makeup, this toner will keep it intact the whole day. It did for me.

    4. Dandruff:  Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar to 2 parts warm water, apply to scalp. Use a hair dye bottle or any bottle that has a pointy tip that will allow you to get the liquid directly on your scalp.

    Important Tips!!!!
    Apple cider vinegar is very good for the skin and is also very effective in treating skin problems like acne, pimples and other skin-related ailments. However, read these important tips before adding apple cider vinegar to your skin care regimen.

    Remember to shake the bottle each time before using ACV to distribute the elements.

    1.Use ACV at night.
    ACV has a strong sweaty smell. Even though this smell disappears after ACV gets absorbed, you might want to use it at night or at the end of your day just to be on a safer side. You wouldn't wear apple cider vinegar on your face just before going on a date.You  can't risk your new partner or date perceiving an uncomfortable smell. But If you can stand the smell, simply use it at any time of the day that suits you.

    3. Do a skin test first.
    Always try it on a small part of skin first, and see how it reacts. Use generously diluted ACV first and then increase the concentration as you go. While Apple cider vinegar typically has no side effects, it may cause skin irritation in case of allergy. If you have extra-sensitive skin, ACV may not be suitable for you. However, before giving up completely, you can try to add more water to the mixture to further dilute it. Alternatively, reduce the frequency with which you use the ACV wash. You may also find that the irritation subsides after a while.

    4. It could Sting
    If you are suffering from a breakout, then be warned it will sting your pimples. However, this should feel like a ‘good’ hurt, and not be intolerable.

    5. Use Sunscreen:
    Apple cider vinegar can increase your skin’s sensitivity to ultra-violet rays. If you know you will be going out in the sun after applying apple cider vinegar, please use a good sunscreen lotion, so as to avoid any harmful effect of UV rays. Alternatively, stay away from the sun.  In fact, this is another reason why you should use the toner at night rather than during the day.

    6. Don’t forget your neck and back region:
    ACV isn’t just for your beautiful face. If you suffer from acne on your back, you are not alone. Fortunately, ACV is wonderful for treating acne on the back too. For those hard to reach areas like your back, try using a spray bottle instead of the cotton balls.

    7. Use a moisturiser afterwards:
    To finish off your new fabulous ACV skin care regime, you can use a natural, chemical free moisturiser that suits your skin.

    While using ACV It may take time to get rid of the Acne already on your face but it is definitely very effective at preventing further Acne or skin troubles, keeping your face free of dark spots and blemishes.

    Good Luck On Your Journey to Flawless Skin.........

    Click on link  For more Natural Skin Care Remedies 

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    Picture update on Sunday, 22nd March 2015: Picture Update